5 D’s To Apprenticing Small Group Leaders
1.Define your goals and wins & what a group leader is
- Our goal is not just meeting together. It is to reproduce and create other groups.
- Apprenticing will make you a better leader
- Group leaders are not experts; we are facilitators
2.Delegate responsibilities to members
- Apprentice is a person who assists the group leader in prep for leading a group
- An apprentice can help by emailing the group before each week’s meeting, setting up snack schedules and leading group discussions
3.Discern and Determine one or two apprentices
- Always be looking for potential leaders. Not everyone will be ready to lead but give them opportunities.
- Identify those that are teachable and willing.
4.Discuss potential opportunities
- Encourage and ask if they can be a group leader before multiplication of group occurs
5.Do actual training and continue discussions
- Invite them to a group leader huddle or a group leader orientation and let your groups director know their interest in leading a group.