Lead Small

Lead Small

I discovered something while at a men’s retreat. The greatest impact you can make in the lives of people is to lead small.  We often think bigger is better but when it comes to growing in our faith and building authentic relationships, smaller wins out.

When you look at the life of Jesus, He had a group of 12 disciples and in his inner circle were just three people.  Who in your group is God calling you to apprentice and mentor in this season? Let’s focus on a few this year and really invest and pour into their lives so that they can eventually pass that on to others. So, remember to lead small.

5 D’s To Apprenticing Small Group Leaders

5 D’s To Apprenticing Small Group Leaders

1.Define your goals and wins & what a group leader is

  • Our goal is not just meeting together. It is to reproduce and create other groups.
  • Apprenticing will make you a better leader
  • Group leaders are not experts; we are facilitators

5 Steps To Ensure An Awesome Women’s Event

5 Steps To Ensure An Awesome Women’s Event

There is so much to learn about coordinating an event. We recently had a one day women’s event called “Delight” and wanted to share what we learned through the journey and provide any resources others could use as well. Feel free to comment or ask any questions because as I mentioned, we’re all in this together.

Say What You Mean & Do What You Say

Say What You Mean & Do What You Say

We have all probably heard the saying “Say what you mean and mean what you say.” Saying what you mean is being consistent with your thoughts and words. But what does it mean to “mean what you say”? Well, it means actually doing what you say. It’s being consistent with your words and then your subsequent behavior and actions. So many of us stop at the saying part but it’s the doing that makes all the difference. The credibility and integrity of your leadership depends on it.

The Sound of Music

The Sound of Music

This past weekend, our family had an opportunity to visit the music center in Los Angeles and while we were there, we decided to catch a matinee showing of the classic “The Sound of Music.” We had seen the iconic movie with Julie Andrews and sang along to the memorable songs so we were looking forward to seeing this musical.